Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why do I want to get paid to speak?

What will getting paid to speak give me?
  1. Stop trading hours for dollars, and start multiple income streams
  2. I love to teach, so want to maximize the time I can teach, which means getting paid to speak
  3. Changing my life and pursuing all that I'm capable of
  4. Experience the buzz of taking on a tough challenge and being successful
  5. Training is enjoyable
  6. I like to help people
  7. If I want to teach more, it means I need to support my family doing it
  8. Financial independence
  9. Ability to travel as an empty-nester for speaking & consulting engagements
  10. Feeding Publishing & Consulting streams
  11. Possibilities for international travel and meeting diverse people for collaboration
  12. More publishing
  13. Paying for kid's college
  14. Freedom from 9-5 drag
  15. Confidence
  16. Geographic freedom - I can work anywhere in the world
  17. Sharpening speaking skills to a fine-edge to better customer experience
  18. Pinnacle of professionalism
  19. Launch second career
  20. Using the gifts God has given me
  21. Ability to benefit the church
  22. Discretionary income to Vacation in Asia, Europe & cruise
  23. Launch professional trainer career for instructing topics of my passion
  24. Free time - me curled up in a library or Panera with a book, just because I can

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