Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Starting the Journey

Yesterday I heard Darren LaCroix for probably the 5th time. Darren is awesome, and one of my heroes.

Now that my speaking career is starting to take off, it's time for me to get serious, so I plunked down nearly $500 for his Get Paid to Speak by Next Week program. If it can help me land 5 speaking engagements, it's worth the money.

I've earned some of the same levels of payment Darren talks about, but not consistently or nearly as often, so it's time for me to get serious and see if I can get that consistency, and to start leveraging my speaking efforts through multiple channels.

This blog will describe and annotate the journey. At time the notes are for you. Mostly, they're for me, to record my dreams, fears, aspirations, goals and plans. Some of the posts I'm not going to share, sorry, because they will give away intellectual property, but most of it will be right out there, for you happy/bored reader. Let's begin...

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